![]() The first mentions of perfume appear on Ancient Egypt where perfume was used for God`s and Pharaohs alike. European Tourism Academy had organized a conference dedicated to perfumes and fragrances role in humanity history spanning from Classical Pharaonic civilization to 2017 and the selection of world`s favourite perfume. The guest of honor at the conference is DALI HAUTE PARFUMERIE, a unique french experiment blending perfume and Salvador Dali art creations. Dali Haute Parfumerie has just being honored with the title of World Favorite Perfume for 2017, in appreciation of his original interpretation of exceptional jewels created by Salvador Dali from which aroused the inspiration for creating unique perfumes, carved by the world famous perfume maker: Alberto Morillas. DALI HAUTE PARFUMERIE has succeeded in garnering the limelight on the Perfume History conference scene. After earlier this year being nominated the World Favourite Perfume, the perfume industry is proud to be reconnected with perfume role in history and culture, from ancient Egypt, where perfume was recognized as the gift of Gods and Pharaoh's and inscribed on pyramids walls to ancient Rome to our days. The leader and trend setter in this field of promoting perfume as a part of the high-life and culture potential booster is Dali Haute Parfumerie the winner of 2017 World Favourite Perfume designation. On this occasion, Dali Haute Parfumerie was recognized as an intricate part of the perfume world history receiving INTERNATIONAL QUALITY AWARD for his determinant role in promoting research and development on the cosmetic and fragrance industry on a world level. In 2017 DALI HAUTE PARFUMERIE has launched a series of Salvador Dali inspired perfumes and art works. ![]() For the first five Eaux de Parfume symbols were chosen which Dali appreciated and widely used: an eye (Regard Scintillant de Mille Beautes), butterfly (Voyage Onirique du Papillon de Vie), goblet (Calice de la Seduction Eternelle), hand (Melodie du Cygne de la Main) and the clock (Fluidite du Temps Imaginaire). Another reason for being awarded THE INTERNATIONAL QUALITY AWARD was the company perfect Corporate Social Responsibility strategy that made the name of Dali Haute Parfumerie a recognised identity brand that supported diplomatic activities, Europe image and cultural potential, placing the name of Salvador Dali one more time in the spot light as a cultural creator and intricate part of Europe and world potential. On the rostrum of Perfume, History conference was highlighted the creative potential of DALI HAUTE PARFUMERIE creator and imagination driving force behind this success namely Mr. Jean Pierre Grivory. President Jean-Pierre Grivory, creator of Cofinluxe, a house hold name in French perfume industry for more than three decades, is the driving force of the new experiment shaping the future of perfume industry: uniting art and perfume craftsmanship in order to create long-lasting products celebrated across the world. INTERNATIONAL QUALITY AWARD by European Tourism Academy is crowning the companies that are creating the history of our times in term of quality, innovation incorporated and respect for environment coupled with strong CSR strategy on a global level. Jean-Pierre Grivory, President of Cofinluxe company (holder of the license for both Dali lines and several other brands), reports that new collection is a response to the famed artist's desire to return perfumery the lost status of luxury. More PR information`s about WORLD FAVOURITE PERFUME FOR 2017-DALI HAUTE PARFUMERIE can be accessed here:
WORLD AWARDS English https://europeantourismnews.wordpress.com/2017/05/16/dali-haute-parfumerie-is-the-creator-of-world-favorite-perfume-in-2017/French https://europeantourismnews.wordpress.com/2017/05/14/france-honore-du-prix-meilleur-parfum-du-monde-pour-2017-pour-dali-haute-parfumerie/ EUROPEAN COUNCIL ON TOURISM AND TRADE http://ectt.webs.com/apps/blog/show/44537506-european-council-on-tourism-and-trade-crowns-world-favorite-perfume-creator-dali-haute-parfumerie-EUROPEAN JOURNAL http://ejtourism.weebly.com/tourism-news/world-favorite-fragrance-for-2017-is-created-by-dali-haute-parfumerie WORLD TOURISM NEWS French https://eutourismnews.wordpress.com/2017/05/14/dali-haute-parfumerie-elu-le-createur-du-meilleur-parfum-du-monde-pour-2017/ English https://eutourismnews.wordpress.com/2017/05/16/salvador-dali-inspired-perfumes-from-dali-haute-parfumerie-recognized-as-best-in-the-world/ EUROPEAN ACADEMY French http://europeanacademy.weebly.com/favorite-cultural-destination/le-meilleur-parfum-du-monde-pour-2017-viens-du-dali-haute-parfumerie-parisEnglish http://europeanacademy.weebly.com/favorite-cultural-destination/european-victory-the-2017-world-best-perfume-maker-is-dali-haute-parfumerie EUROPEAN NEWS French http://euctt.blogspot.ro/2017/05/dali-haute-parfumerie-couronn-createur-DU-MEILLEUR-PARFUM-DU-MONDE-POUR-2017.htmlEnglish http://euctt.blogspot.ro/2017/05/dali-haute-parfumerie-is-crowned-as-world-favorite-perfume-in-2017.html WORLD AND TOURISM MAGAZINE English https://medium.com/@europeantourismcouncil/top-of-world-perfume-in-2017-dali-haute-parfumerie-9df53f8f5089 French https://medium.com/@europeantourismcouncil/une-victoire-europeenne-dali-haute-parfumerie-et-france-elu-comme-centre-du-parfumerie-mondiale-d074eb122dedINTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS https://europeaninternationalrelation.wordpress.com/2017/05/18/celebrating-europe-creative-potential-dali-haute-parfumerie-is-elected-world-favorite-fragrance-creator-in-2017/ BLACKSEANEWS AGENCY http://blackseanews.yolasite.com/travel-news-european-council-on-tourism-and-trade.php EUROPEAN COUNCIL INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS http://eucir.webs.com/apps/blog/show/44540287-dali-haute-parfumerie-is-the-european-creator-of-world-favorite-perfume-in-2017 ORGANIZATION FOR SECURITY AND COOPERATION IN EUROPE English http://osce2010.webs.com/apps/blog/show/44537622-europe-has-a-new-diplomatic-partner-dali-haute-parfumerieFrench http://osce2010.webs.com/apps/blog/show/44539943-l-europe-a-un-nouveau-partenaire-diplomatique-dali-haute-parfumerie EUROPE-ASIA CONFERENCE English http://eurasia-conference.webs.com/apps/blog/entries/show/44539984-dali-haute-parfumerie-enters-the-list-of-world-most-desired-luxury-productsFrench http://eurasia-conference.webs.com/apps/blog/entries/show/44539956-dali-haute-parfumerie-dans-la-liste-de-plus-luxueux-produits-de-monde |
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