![]() Eight in ten air passengers say that they will choose only COVID-19 CERTIFIED airlines, while 41 per cent planning to avoid traveling with a non-certified company by any means a study by European Tourism Academy reveals. A new global passenger survey of 9,500 people from 12 countries across the globe has revealed the long-lasting effects of the coronavirus pandemic on passenger confidence. The European Tourism Academy study paper has revealed that eight in 10 airline passengers (83 per cent) say they do not expect to return to their previous travel habits once the pandemic is over as the main factor of confidence for them will be airline certification. This is the world’s largest study-paper on airline passengers behavior since the pandemic began. While some passengers (40 per cent) feel satisfied with the aviation industry’s response to the challenges of COVID-19, the survey reveals that there are areas of opportunity for airlines to encourage passengers back to air travel with certification and international assessments of COVID-19 prevention measures taken by air-company is the most important action to be taken by airlines. Academician Mircea CONSTANTINESCU, Director of European Tourism Academy, presented the study recommendations with this introductory note: “Safety and reputation becoming even more important to today’s flyers, there is a clear need for airlines to differentiate themselves in order to encourage passengers back onto their flights. Obtaining the CERTIFICATION FOR SAFE AND TRUSTED AIRLINE FOR COVID-19 PREVENTION is clearly one of the best way to achieve this quality step forward!" Perhaps unsurprisingly, only a third (34 per cent) of passengers surveyed have taken a commercial flight since the pandemic began, which seems to indicate a shift in attitudes towards flying but they all had given foremost consideration to airline certification for COVID-19. Travellers are more fearful of contracting the virus abroad than on a flight. In fact, many think that the risk of catching the virus in other environments such as gyms and public transport is much greater and only a certification can assuage these fears. Recent research from the International Air Transport Association (IATA) supports this feeling. At the beginning of October 2020, IATA reported that, since the start of 2020, during which 1.2 billion passengers have travelled, there have been only 44 cases of COVID-19 reported which were thought to have been associated with a flight taken. That’s one case for every 27 million travellers. IATA’s Director General and CEO, Alexandre de Juniac, had commented “that the risk of contracting the virus on board appears to be in the same category as being struck by lightning.” More than half of those surveyed (54 per cent) say that an airline’s reputation is now a more significant factor when choosing flights than it was pre-pandemic. It has, therefore, never been a more crucial time for airlines to differentiate themselves from their competitors. EUROPEAN TOURISM ACADEMY STARTS THE ANALYSIS OF WORLD CAPITAL OF CULTURE AND TOURISM DOSSIERS3/24/2019
![]() European Council on Tourism and Trade Director Mr. Vasile Vlasin (C) and Academician Mircea Constantinescu (L) -Head of European Tourism Academy and Balkan Tourism Chairman Mark Doda (R) presenting the list of candidatures for WORLD CAPITAL OF CULTURE AND TOURISM On behalf of The Secretariat of the European Council on Tourism and Trade (ECTT) Director Vasile Vlasin presented the list of the applications for WORLD CAPITAL OF CULTURE AND TOURISM designation by the global tourism institution. The applications for WORLD CAPITAL OF CULTURE AND TOURISM will be debated and approved during the ECTT Executive Board Meeting (23 April 2019). Investment Director for ECTT Vasile Vlasin announced that forty-eight cities (48) and regions from Africa, Asia and America had entered into final evaluation stage and had fulfilled the pre-requisite to be considered for the top cultural and heritage tourism award. These 48 cities and regions are promising to foster a new wave of tourism development across the world and to leverage and support new tourism-related initiatives and to create more than 500.000 jobs in the next three years and to garner a profit estimated to over 1 billion USD announced Mr. Vlasin. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ The most successful World Capital of Culture and Tourism recipients until now (2019) PHNOM PENH-THE HEART OF INDOCHINA DJIBOUTI-THE PEARL OF RED SEA DJIBOUTI-LA PERLE DU MER ROUGE ADDIS ABABA-THE DIPLOMATIC CAPITAL OF AFRICA ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ By the end of 2019 is expected that out of this 48 contenders two more cities to be registered as WORLD CAPITAL OF CULTURE AND TOURISM. The pressure is great therefore in selecting these two cites that will lead world tourism in the next period stated Academician Mircea Constantinescu (European Tourism Academy). The rest of 46 cities will be re-directed for further analyses in 2020 and in the years to come, concluded Academician Mircea Constantinescu, together with the new candidates that are vying for top cultural recognition. The European Council on Tourism and Trade World Tourism Awards are the flagship recognition for the world`s tourism sector. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Understanding how World Capital of Culture and Tourism recognition can help your nation: The HOW TO? GUIDE TO WORLD`S CAPITAL OF CULTURE AND TOURISM CANDIDATES UNDERSTANDING WORLD`S CAPITAL OF CULTURE AND TOURISM SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS AGENDA AND WORLD`S CAPITAL OF CULTURE AND TOURISM BREAKING NEWS ABOUT WORLD`S CAPITAL OF CULTURE AND TOURISM ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Since their inception in 2008, the global tourism institution awards recognize the role of culture and heritage around the world in creating a positive impact, fostering peace, understanding and cooperation amongst nations and served as an inspiration for the world tourism. To this moment, European Council on Tourism and Trade has acknowledged the contribution towards peace and development and supported tourism initiatives around the globe creating more than 100.000 jobs in tourism and helping nations across the world in fulfilling their sustainable development goals commitments. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ The European Council on Tourism and Trade (ECTT) is the global tourism institution responsible for the promotion of culture based tourism, and offering support for responsible and sustainable tourism. It is the leading international organization in the field of tourism, which promotes tourism as a driver of heritage protection, culture advancement. ACAD. MIRCEA CONSTANTINESCU: MAYOR. TAKELE UMA BENTI IS OUTLINING A CITY TOURISM SUCCESS STORY1/28/2019
The Office of the President of European Council on Tourism and Trade announced that H.E. Takele Benti Uma, Mayor and Head of Local Government of Addis Ababa has being inducted as member in the EUROPEAN TOURISM ACADEMY.
![]() HIS EXCELLENCY PRESIDENT OF DJIBOUTI ACADEMICIAN ISMAIL OMAR GUELLEH, LAUDATIO Your Excellency Mr. Presidents Ismail Omar Gulleh and Dr. Anton Caragea, Your Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, dear friends, We are here for the induction ceremony of H.E. Ismail Omar Guelleh, the President of Djibouti as the newest member of European Tourism Academy and to confer upon His Excellency as in academic tradition the Medal of Honor of the European Academy. As prescribed by the protocol the presentation of the new member of Academic community is made public for the benefit of a global audience. Analyzing the curriculum vitae along with the activity of the President Ismail Omar Guelleh we discover a complex person, a man of many talents, entirely dedicated to the development of his country, to the well being of the people of Djibouti, dedicated to building a favorable image of Djibouti in the midst of the international community. Serving his countries in many administrative capacities gave him access to a high level of knowledge and expertise, and was fundamental for building a solid education and experience in managing the country, giving him an European and international perspective upon the transfer of knowledge, expertise and technology. We can say that Djibouti is not only a beautiful country. But is having a great president in his service! H.E. Ismail Omar Guelleh loves his country and the people of Djibouti. He learned how important the resources are for a country, how important the expert management of such vital resources is for the well being and the successful development of Djibouti. But during the years of his presidency he wanted more…He wanted to acquire knowledge of scientific management of the country, of its human resources and natural resources as well. We may say that during his years of Presidency, President Guelleh put again Djibouti on the world map. A wise internal, regional and international policy made Djibouti a point of balance, a strategic area, an extensive zone of stability and peace. During the last decade, President Guelleh carried extensive talks and negotiations with the leaders of the most powerful nations of the world (United States, France, the traditional partner, and China, the new dynamic financial, economical and strategic partner). Using a diplomatic language we may say that under the Presidency of H.E. Ismail Omar Guelleh, Djibouti became a country exporter of security and stability at a local and global level. President Guelleh also addressed in a positive manner to global problems that adversely influence mainly countries of the world: poverty and hunger, persistent unemployment and armed violent conflicts and climate change. With Djibouti firmly inscribed this year as the number five economy in the world in terms of economic growth rate we can appreciate that Djibouti is on the right track. The complex ties and trade policies connecting Djibouti with Ethiopia are also an example of successful cooperation between neighboring countries. We will not analyze here in extensor the political activity of H.E. President Ismail Omar Guelleh , but taking actively part in the political life of his country, it gave him the opportunity to work with people of Djibouti, to be in the middle of people of Djibouti, to efficiently communicate, and being able to implement at the highest level the management of the country activities, reflecting the reality of Djibouti and the wishes of Djibouti people. The most valuable resource of a country are its people, the young generation as educated people imbeded in a local and international culture and education. And specially in this real we must emphasize a strong line of achievements that will highlight Djibouti future for years and years to come. The honorary titles received in this regard by the President Ismail Omar Guelleh in Turkey, from the University Yildirim Beyazit, along with the President of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and in Ethiopia from the University Hararmayo represents only a tiny piece of recognition of the effort and the interest of the President in supporting the education and culture in Djibouti. For the interested we invite them to visit at least the 7000 students of the University of Djibouti (with Faculties of Law, Economics and Management, Science, Medicine, Engineering, Humanities, Languages and Social Sciences). At last but not least, H.E. President Ismail Omar Guelleh carefully and efficiently supported many humanitarian initiatives developed in the projects coordinated by the First Lady Mrs. Kadra Mahamoud Haid, for the benefit of the health of many young women, for the empowerment of the new generation of women’s and opening the gates of education and responsibility for thousand of djiboutians. His Excellency activity in the area of foreign affairs was indeed another work of impressive success. As a diplomat he presented to the world the image of a peaceful country, of many resources and beauties, with people that praise hospitality, open in a friendly manner to the international community. Today celebration when we crown Djibouti as a WORLD CAPITAL OF CULTURE AND TOURISM is the direct recognition of these years of diplomatic activities, of investments in promoting the image of the country, opening vast infrastructure programs that made the Djibouti the place where all the trades, tourism and diplomatic roads of the world start. Transforming Djibouti in the last twenty years in an oasis of peace, obtaining for his country the global recognition and inscription on WORLD CAPITAL OF CULTURE AND TOURISM list are historical achievements that need to be rewarded. In recognition of his life-long contribution to the development of Djibouti, we are proud to hand over The Medal Of Honor to his Excellency Ismail Omar Guelleh, President of Djibouti and to recognize him as the newest academician of the European Tourism Academy. ![]() The world has a voice in the new GLOBAL AMBASSADOR FOR TOURISM AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS: ACADEMICIAN HUN SEN, PRIME MINISTER OF CAMBODIA. Phnom Penh has hosted a grandiose ceremony to honor culture, history, tourism as instruments for world development. On this occasion in recognition of the role of paragon of development of H.E. Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo HUN SEN, the leaders of Parliamentary Assembly for Sustainable Development Goals, European Council on Tourism and Trade and European Tourism Academy elected him as the new GLOBAL AMBASSADOR FOR TOURISM AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS. In the presence of over 3,000 guests, diplomats, tourism and culture experts, the official ceremony for the new GLOBAL AMBASSADOR FOR TOURISM AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS has taken place. Tourism is in the world of today a linchpin in achieving and enhancing world development, creating much-needed employment and opportunities for growth and social inclusion and creating much needed economic resources to be used to protect and promote the cultural heritage.Tourism in the world of today is the new form of diplomacy, bringing people, nations, creeds and religions together, in order to foster mutual respect and tolerance. (Professor Dr. Anton Caragea) Professor Dr. Anton Caragea, European Council on Tourism and Trade President in Cambodia in 2017 – WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION and PHNOM PENH – WORLD CAPITAL OF CULTURE AND TOURISM. ![]() Professor Dr. Anton Caragea, European Council on Tourism and Trade President held a key note and empowerment speech explaining the main reasons for this election of Cambodia`s Prime Minister as a world leader in development and as a key figure in the global fight for sustainability and growth. EUROPEAN COUNCIL ON TOURISM AND TRADE PRESIDENT PROFESSOR DR. ANTON CARAGEA DECLARATION FOR GLOBAL AMBASSADOR FOR TOURISM AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS FOR HIS EXCELLENCY SAMDECH AKKA MOHA SENA PADEI TECHO HUN SEN, PRIME MINISTER OF KINGDOM OF CAMBODIA EUROPEAN ACADEMICIAN Your Excellency Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo HUN SEN- Prime Minister of Kingdom of Cambodia, Your Excellency Mr. Thong Khon – Minister of Tourism, Esteemed members of Royal Government of Cambodia, Members of Parliament of Cambodia, Distinguished member’s diplomatic corps Dear guests, All protocol observed, We are meeting today for a historic moment, the nomination of the newest GLOBAL AMBASSADOR FOR TOURISM AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS in the person of H.E. Academician HUN SEN, Prime Minister of Kingdom of Cambodia. It is not by chance that we met here in Phnom Penh, recently sacred as World Capital of Culture and Tourism as this is absolutely the correct address to find the world newest global ambassador and the voice supporting world-wide peace and development and fostering tourism as a tool for promoting people to people exchanges, peoples diplomacy and deep-rooted understanding and dialogue. It is absolutely befitting that Cambodia will help the international community to have a voice in development and peace and that Khmer people give us the perfect example in building a new world, a better one. It is not the first time that the world is looking to Cambodia for leadership and a path to glory and growth. Fourteen centuries ago the world looked in awe to Khmer Empire for guidance, for a world example of civilization. Angkor become a university for all the people of Asia and Indochina, from here spring up the giant temples, the powerful legends about daring goods protecting humanity, here was carved the delicate art of dance that will charm and enticed the world and become known across the ages as the Khmer civilization and made Cambodia to act as a beckon of culture and light to the world. Prime Minister Hun Sen is a son of this proud history and in my long discussions with him I always appreciated his interest and desire in keeping alive the ancient cultural traditions and protecting the world heritage sites of Cambodia ( I will remember you all his determination in liberating the ancient temple of Preah Vihear and restoring it to The Kingdom of Cambodia patrimony without shedding a drop of blood, only by diplomatic skills and passion). His love for the people of Cambodia, his tireless dedication for their well being made Cambodia what it is today: a center of world economic development with an annual growth rate of 7%, the most attractive market for investors, the most rapid job creator economy in the region and a country that has become a leader in tourism development. Phnom Penh has been transformed from the ghost city of 1979 into the host of World Economic Forum for 2017 and elevated to the status of World Capital of Culture and Tourism. A country than in 1979 has received zero tourists was transformed into the Kingdom of Wonder, World Best Tourist Destination of today, a welcoming home to more than 5 million travelers today. If this is not an example in tourism development, then I don’t know what qualifies for one. Official presentation to the world of the new GLOBAL AMBASSADOR FOR TOURISM AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS.![]() Cambodia is clearly showing us that in the XXI century what is important is not the size of the territory or the populace, but the will, skill and determination to contribute to the world development. You can find out more about these topics here: ♦ THE PARLIAMENTARY ASSEMBLY FOR SDG ♦ EUROPEAN TOURISM ACADEMY ♦ EUROPEAN COUNCIL ON TOURISM AND TRADE AND SDG ♦ TOURISM AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS ♦CAMBODIA-WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION ♦ GLOBAL AMBASSADORS FOR TOURISM AND SDG What is more important and maybe sometimes the people of Cambodia may overlook, captured by the unimaginable transformation in their life’s, is that Prime Minister Hun SEN has given them more than national pride, or independence or growth or a stable job or has helped millions to be lifted out of poverty. Yes he did all that.. but he did something more for the people of Cambodia, he gives them a sense of direction, of stability in a troubled world, he gives them the conscience that every day will be a better one, that every day things will be done better and more diligent, in a word he gave to the people of Cambodia the diamond of HOPE. This is what we need in the world of today from a GLOBAL AMBASSADOR FOR TOURISM AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS: to help us restore hope to the world. Hope that the reconstruction is possible. There are so many to be reconstructed in the world of today, so many nations plagued by wars, terrorism and destruction or plagued by climate change-related disasters need advice and guidance. And who knows better to rebuild that Prime Minister Hun Sen? I will give you some figures to understand something about the man who has taken Cambodia from zero to hero: from 2 billion GDP in 1979 to 54 USD billions today, from 50 USD per capita to 3.488 USD today, from zero foreign investments to 1,7 billion investment`s yearly. From cities reduced to rubble by US bombardments and millions of peoples without home or hope, from abandoned temples and hamlets all needed to be rebuilt, to be restored in the country and with no help, the government led by Prime Minister Hun Sen created this miracle, the Cambodian miracle. Having the shining example of Cambodia of today before our eyes these are the best qualification description and credential for a future GLOBAL AMBASSADOR FOR TOURISM AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS. Cambodia of today, a country that is rapidly modernizing, that has become a center of encounter and dialogue for all the people for the world, that was transformed in an example of development and that is generously opening his gates for all the nations in search of cultural enlightenment, historical research and patrimony exploration. PHNOM PENH is today a center for world diplomacy, where crises are settled and statesman’s are finding new ways for cooperation, a center of innovation and inventivity, a place where tradition and new, culture and technology are blending in a perfect way. This is the true calling card for a leader for XXI century, for a GLOBAL AMBASSADOR FOR TOURISM AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS, for a man for whom development goals are not just a piece of paper or words to ring hollow, but are a lifetime work, are part and parcel of his existence and activity. This year in local democratic and free elections, the people of Cambodia have the perfect occasion to pass judgment and express support to Prime Minister Hun Sen vision and they did this admirably, as a testimony of their indelible trust in his foresight. Now we have the privileged and the honor of voting for Prime Minister Hun Sen, the man who created a free and democratic Cambodia, a country where all are equal under the sun of Angkor and where hope still survives. Now we have entrusted him with the highest honor that we can give: to be our voice, to represent humanity aspirations for a better world, to be our world ambassador, leader and creator of visionary policies. I must emphasize that: the recognition as GLOBAL AMBASSADOR FOR TOURISM AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS is addressed also to the people of Cambodia. H.E Prime Minister HUN SEN is the democratically elected voice of the people of Cambodia and he represents the will of the Cambodian people, the will of unity, his industriousness, his energy in building a better and powerful and independent Cambodia, this is the marvelous people of Cambodia that we honor today. Last year, I was having a special feeling when I remarked that the world needs Academician HUN SEN exertions and contribution, well this year this appeal becomes more real than ever.
In a recent declaration, Prime Minister Hun Sen said he is contemplating staying in the service of his nation for at least ten more years. Well, we need him for at least twenty more, to steer us on the path of development goals completion and fruition and to help us build a better world, a world of peace and understanding, a world of hope. Your Excellency, Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Prime Minister HUN SEN we entrust you with the responsibility of GLOBAL AMBASSADOR FOR TOURISM AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS reminding you our commitments: to support humanity, to leave no one behind and no one excluded, to build a better world for us all. These are the bonds that unite us, give form to our aspirations, to our belongings, and this is the language of humanism and human dignity, the language of an AMBASSADOR FOR TOURISM AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS. Prime Minister HUN SEN the world recognized you as THE NEW GLOBAL AMBASSADOR FOR TOURISM AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS. May you lead the world in the right direction! ![]() Director of The EUROPEAN TOURISM ACADEMY, Academician Dr. MIRCEA CONSTANTINESCU presents the arguments for PHNOM PENH: THE WORLD CAPITAL OF CULTURE AND TOURISM. On December 9, 2017 in the presence of over 3.000 guests, diplomats, tourism and culture experts, members of the Parliamentary Assembly for the Sustainable Development Goals, members of the Royal Government of Cambodia and of the Royal Parliament of Cambodia and European Council on Tourism and Trade delegates and many others high level guests attended the official ceremony for WORLD CAPITAL OF CULTURE AND TOURISM handover for PHNOM PENH has taken place. In the pomp and ceremony of the event the Director of The EUROPEAN TOURISM ACADEMY, Academician Dr. MIRCEA CONSTANTINESCU outlined the reasons and the arguments for the inscription of Phnom Penh as one of the world landmark cities. Here is the full text of the presentation: WORD CAPITAL OF CULTURE AND TOURISM - PHNOM PENH OFFICIAL STATEMENT Academician MIRCEA CONSTANTINESCU Director of EUROPEAN TOURISM ACADEMY Your Excellency Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo HUN SEN- Prime Minister of Kingdom of Cambodia, Your Excellency Dr. Thong Khon – Minister of Tourism, Esteemed members of Royal Government of Cambodia, members of Parliament of Cambodia, distinguished member’s diplomatic corps Dear guests, All protocol observed, Today is a historical day, is the day when we inscribe the name of another model city on the humanity list of WORLD`S CAPITALS OF CULTURE AND TOURISM. In carving up the World Capital of Culture and Tourism Program 11 years ago, European Tourism Academy and European Council on Tourism and Trade (ECTT) set for themselves the ambitious task of establishing a world list of cities and regions that are encompassing the legacy of humanity, that are harboring traditions and costumes unique or hosting natural treasures considered to be of outstanding and universal value. We are ensuring their presence in the limelight so that we and the future generations can enjoy the world’s patrimony wealth and it’s variety. The international community must give much more support to the activities promoting the heritage, which is central to our civilizations and this is the main role of WORLD CAPITAL OF CULTURE AND TOURISM designation. During last year`s THE WORLD CAPITAL OF CULTURE AND TOURISM program enlarged and enriched his focus becoming a part of THE AGENDA FOR HUMANITY and a part of the Sustainable Development Goals Agenda being part and parcel of the global efforts destined to eradicate inequalities, ensure growth, develop education and cultural opportunities for all and supporting investment and development and integration policies where there are more needed. From an essentially global cultural and tourism program we have evolved in line with the world commitments and concerns onto a world level development program. On this note I must salute the Government of Kingdom of Cambodia commitment to fulfilling the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development Goals of United Nations and for ensuring that Phnom Penh it is and continues to be a placed for development, creativity, encouragement of free enterprise and initiative and inclusiveness for all who come to this beautiful city. Inscribing PHNOM PENH as a WORLD CAPITAL OF CULTURE AND TOURISM we recognize that culture and history are not resource consumers, but are major economic and development factors, that help countries to develop and enrich themselves in more ways than just simple economic value. Culture is undoubtedly a fundamental part of our life, is marking our identity and is facilitates our encounter, our dialogue, it helps us to share experiences, to search for unknown territories, to go further and further, is inscribed in our fiber and it defines us, is make us human. ![]() Registering PHNOM PENH as a WORLD CAPITAL OF CULTURE AND TOURISM we are taking act of the Government of Prime Minister Academician HUN SEN commitments and incredible achievements of the last 30 years in carving cultural and heritage protection programs, in ensuring a permanent growth in the quality of patrimony protection and consolidation, in ensuring the preservation and fostering of religions, traditions and cultural and traditional activities. Today, PHNOM PENH is fulfilling the trademarks of what we are calling the cultural landscape marked by the existence of “mixed properties”, blending natural properties and cultural properties. It designates areas where there has been a harmonious interaction between man and nature over a long period, linked to a particular culture, and which provides evidence of a traditional way of life in which nature and culture are profoundly interlinked. Cultural landscapes are described in Article 1 of the Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage as representing “the combined works of nature and man”. ![]() PHNOM PENH is such a generous area: encompassing the natural setting provided by the confluence of three rivers: the mighty Mekong, the Bassac and the great Tonle Sap, the world unique river that is flowing upwards the stream for six months a year. This perfect natural landscape has become the setting of a rich cultural city that encompasses religious monuments and heritage treasures like: Wat Ounalom the 1443 shrine built for a sacred hair of the Buddha and considered the seat of Cambodian Buddhism who will celebrate 575 years of continuously and uninterrupted religious activities. Another landmark is the famous Wat Phnom, built in 1372 and restored and reconstructed in 1434, 1806, 1894 and 1926 and has become a symbol of the capital city Phnom Penh and regularly used for prayer, small offerings, and meditation. It is a specially charged place connected with the legendary figure of grandmother Penh and from 15th century King Ponhea Yat built the capital in Phnom Penh around this sacred mountain used for keeping the cremated ash of the King. The mountain of Wat Phnom has been transformed in the last 700 years in a place that is uniting Buddhist statues of the Angkorean era with art crafts from the medieval and modern area and also a royal necropolis hosting the stupas for keeping cremated ash of the Royal families. Other religious places and cultural landmarks are Wat Langka who is reputedly one of Phnom Penh’s five original Wats (1422). Established as a sanctuary for the Holy Writings and a meeting place for Cambodian and Sri Lankan monks, the Wat was named in honor of these meetings. Wat Botum Padei also one of the oldest religious buildings still in use in the city from 1422 and is compound, is crowded with ornate and colorful stupas, including the towering ‘Buddha’s Relic Stupa. ![]() Wat Koh another one of the city’s five original Wats, established in the early 15th century and Wat Neak Kravorn situated in a perfect picturesque skyline of Boeung Kak lake. PHNOM PENH is not only the seat of rich cultural and religious objectives but is also presenting a long list of tourism centers from the famed Russian Market, Old Market, Central Market, Night Market and a large array of traditional markets, to the incredible riches of the National Museumhaving on display more than 5,000 works of art, ranging from the 7th to the 13th century. Treasures include sculptures, 19th-century dance costumes, royal barges and palanquins. I will just note on the lines the incredible cultural potential of Phnom Penh the fact that: NATIONAL MUSEUM OF CAMBODIAwas voted as a WORLD`S FAVORITE MUSEUM for the incredible treasures encompassing more than 14.000 priceless artifacts and for the perfect ways that are displayed and imbuing the visitors with the message of culture. Phnom Penh is far from being just a huge open-air repository of temples, stupas, palaces and incredible museums it is also a place where the energy of his peoples is channeled into huge celebrations like Moon Festival, Water Festival, Royal Ploughing Day, Khmer New Year or famed Buddha Day-Visakh Bochea Day. ![]() It is a city that it embraces with warmth and gentle attention the soul of the travelers and it’s the real gate to Asia and the unique gem that shines over us with the light of culture and distinction. I also take this moment to congratulate the Ministry of tourism on the initiative to create a special walking riverine prospect offering for tourists the opportunity to stroll around the banks of the famous Mekong. Initiatives like this are creating the image of a friendly and traveler welcoming city, an image that Phnom Penh so richly deserves. The positive answer was clear keeping in mind the impressive history of the city, the enormous cultural and heritage potential of Phnom Penh and the plans put in place by the Government of H.E. Prime Minister HUN SEN in order to carve out an ever better future for the peoples of the city and for those who come to share the life of the gem of Asia: the incredible PHNOM PENH – the city of waters, the gift of Cambodia to the world. Your Excellency Prime Minister of the Royal Government of Cambodia HUN SEN, It is my privilege to handover to Your Excellency, as the most representative leader of people and tourism of KINGDOM OF CAMBODIA the award for PHNOM PENH – THE WORLD CAPITAL OF CULTURE AND TOURISM. ![]() On December 1st, 2017 in a special sitting of The EUROPEAN TOURISM ACADEMY a message of congratulations for Academician HUN SEN, Prime Minister of Cambodia was adopted. The messaged addressed the news of the nomination of Academician HUN SEN as the new GLOBAL AMBASSADOR FOR TOURISM AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS. Academician Mircea Constantinescu, European Tourism Academy noted that the nomination is a well deserved one as we must salute the Government of Kingdom of Cambodia commitment to fulfilling the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development Goals of United Nations and for ensuring that Phnom Penh it is and continues to be a placed for development, creativity, encouragement of free enterprise and initiative and inclusiveness for all who come to this beautiful city. Academician Ionut Costea noted that Prime Minister of Cambodia is the most entitled to present the world with a roadmap for development as Cambodia is today: a center of world economic development with an annual growth rate of 7%, the most attractive market for investors, the most rapid job creator economy in the region and a country that has become a leader in tourism development. Phnom Penh has been transformed from the ghost city of 1979 into the host of World Economic Forum for 2017 and elevated to the status of World Capital of Culture and Tourism. A country than in 1979 has received zero tourists was transformed into the Kingdom of Wonder, World Best Tourist Destination of today, a welcoming home to more than 5 million travelers today. Ambassador Tiberius Puiu noted that Prime Minister Hun SEN policies have given to Cambodian people more than national pride, or independence or growth or a stable job or has helped millions to be lifted out of poverty. He will be a perfect GLOBAL AMBASSADOR FOR TOURISM AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS noted the ambassador. Messages of congratulations for the new GLOBAL AMBASSADOR FOR TOURISM AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS Prime Minister HUN SEN poured in from Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, United Arab Emirates, MENA region and Caucasus countries. ACADEMICIAN IONUT COSTEA ![]() European Tourism Academy members: Academicians Mircea Constantinescu, Ionut Costea and E. Constantinescu are expressing their support for the decision taken by THE PARLIAMENTARY ASSEMBLY FOR UNITED NATIONS SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS (SDG) to continue upholding the efforts of promoting SDG as tools for international peace, development and inclusive and socially balanced growth. The PARLIAMENTARY ASSEMBLY FOR UNITED NATIONS SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS has already being involved in world level programs like: WORLD CAPITAL OF CULTURE AND TOURISM and WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION and creating wealth, promoting tourism and culture as tools for progress and civilization across the world. We salute this incredible decision, concluded Academician Mircea Constantinescu and we strongly uphold the banner of Ambassadors for Tourism and Sustainable Development Goals programme as representing the community of builders of a better world. On October 4, 2017 the official ceremonies for WORLD TOURISM DAY have taken place in the presence of President Professor Dr. Anton Caragea and having in observance members of European Council on Tourism (ECTT) and Trade, European Tourism Academy, diplomatic corps accredited to ECTT and members of PARLIAMENTARY ASSEMBLY FOR UNITED NATIONS SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS (SDG). In the opening ceremonies for the World Tourism Day Professor Dr. Anton Caragea has made the long-awaited announcement: The Ambassadors for Tourism and Sustainable Development Goals programme will continue in the next year. As a result of the demands coming from leaders, statesman`s and peerless world personalities involved in the carving of new development strategies and in implementing United Nations Sustainable Development Agenda we have taken the decision to further implement the program and to entrust the European Council on Tourism and Trade and PARLIAMENTARY ASSEMBLY FOR UNITED NATIONS SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS SDG to continue the implementation of the program in the years to come. On the same occasion Professor Dr. Anton Caragea announced the good news that: the international Campaign for the implementation of 2030 Agenda of United Nations, known worldwide as SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS AGENDA, in the work of parliaments across the world has reached a first milestone, only after a year of existence, with the support of 262 parliamentarians from 22 national parliaments. Now with this threshold passed, the Parliamentary Assembly for SDG`s, is now endorsed across party lines, ideologies and national agenda`s by more than 262 current members of parliament from over 22 countries. The creation of a Parliamentary Assembly for SDG`s in the UN framework for world cooperation in the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals that was signed by the lawmakers calls for “a gradual implementation of Sustainable Development Goals in all national and local parliaments and elected assemblies agenda creating a global synergy for world level campaign aimed at bringing to life the SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS AGENDA” The role of Parliamentary Assembly for SDG`s is “to ensure international cooperation, secure the acceptance and to enhance the legitimacy of the United Nations SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS AGENDA and strengthen the elected representatives ( parliamentarians) capacity to act and to be more effectively and directly included into the activities of implementing and financing the programs related to SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS AGENDA.” “This is an important milestone,” remarked Professor Dr. Anton Caragea, the Parliamentary Assembly for SDG`s Executive President and campaign’s coordinator. “The support of a UN Parliamentary Assembly for SDG`s by such a broad group of parliamentarians from all the world’s regions shows once again that it is high time for the SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS AGENDA to be recognized as paramount for world development,” he concluded. “If it comes to democratizing the SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS AGENDA and to insure global cooperation, than the Parliamentary Assembly for SDG`s is the venue for a technical and democratic debate, said Professor Dr. Anton Caragea. “The SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS AGENDA would benefit from involving elected representatives in its deliberations. After all, in many cases it’s them who are needed to help implement UN policy at the national level, especially if it comes to the Agenda 2030,” said Mr. Catalin Nechifor from Parliamentary Assembly for SDG`s . On this momentous occasion the new logo of the Parliamentary Assembly for SDG`s was unveiled by Professor Dr. Anton Caragea, the Executive President. We must note that: apart from members of parliaments, the campaign has also been endorsed by numerous former members of parliaments, distinguished scholars, cultural innovators, representatives of civil society organizations, and many committed citizens from all walks of life. European Council on Tourism and Trade and European Tourism Academy had created and pioneered the PARLIAMENTARY ASSEMBLY FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS SDG`s uniting world parliaments in the efforts to implement in their work and legislation measures dedicated to bring to life SDG in every nation. European Tourism Academy is the only world academy that is offering SDG based courses and curriculum based on role of culture and development in carving a new and better future for as all. More information’s about the Parliamentarian Assembly for Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals can be read out on UN-SDG site here: Supplementary information regarding the World Lectures on SDG can be obtained from official website Professor Dr. Anton Caragea signs the decree to continue to the Ambassadors for Tourism and Sustainable Development Goals programme onto the next period. ![]() Academician Mircea Constantinescu: EUROPEAN TOURISM ACADEMY Director announces the end of 2017 World Tourism Awards competition. European Tourism Academy has just closed the candidature list for 2017 WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION AWARD competition. As of June 1st, 2017 no more countries candidature will be accepted, announced Academician Mircea Constantinescu, European Academy Director. The candidature files has already being perused and we are proud to announced that a number of 41 countries entered their candidature for the world most prestigious tourism award out of which 38 were considered complete, in line with the requirements and entered the final stage of the competition. This year we will implement a new system of candidature files analysis that will see working groups, per continents, selecting the final winners for continental candidature and the selected one country per continent will be submitted for evaluation for European Council on Tourism and Trade General Assembly slated for July 29th, 2017. Under the former election model all candidates where directed for world tourism leaders for final evaluation, resulting in a huge load of work and decision that required two days of debates and discussion, while under the new procedure the results can be determined in the first day, concluded outlining the improvements Academician Mircea Constantinescu. Academician Ionut Costea: I hope that 2017 will be the year of African tourism!I trust that 2017 will be the year for Africa, stated Academician Ionut Costea the responsible for the European Council on Tourism and Trade ECTT Africa team candidature evaluation. Our team will try to evaluate and propose to world tourism institution of ECTT the best candidates destined to bring WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION AWARD to Africa. Africa needs recognition, tourism credentials and support and WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION AWARD is the best notoriety provider and tourism confidence building instrument in the world and the only way to insure African tourism in promoted on international stage remarked Academician Costea. I hope that 2017 will be one more time the year of Asian tourism in the spot light declared academician Mircea Constantinescu.After the incredible success of Cambodia as WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION FOR 2016 that succeeded in garnering more than 1,6 million tourists supplementary in 2016/2017 and being officially the world leader in tourism growth in 2016 in absolute numbers and in volume, registering a world record. The shining example of Kingdom of Cambodia and of Prime Minister Academician Samdech HUN SEN, who made tourism a tool for peace and development unmatched in the region, should be copied by the rest of Asian countries. We hope that: the new WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION will be an Asian country and a new world example on international forum and we will try to put forward the best name and candidature file for European Council on Tourism and Trade General Assembly decision. It`s Latin America time to shine in the world at European Council on Tourism and Trade awards for 2017, stated Academician-President Ion Iliescu.It is Latin America hour for 2017, confidently declared Romanian President (1990-2004) Academician Ion Iliescu. Our team will put forward the best tourist destination of Southern and Central America and as I personally visited and traveled in many countries of the region, I trust that it is time for Europe to support the region tourism development and to make the countries to grow from zero in tourism to hero status and WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION AWARD is the perfect vehicle to achieve this, concluded former Romanian President. On July 29th, 2017 the world tourism community will propose the name of the new victor of WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION AWARD and the world example in tourism development. Let us wish all the contenders success in the last leg of their journey towards WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION status! A new world leader in tourism will emerge out of 2017 WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION competition.More PR links on the WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION AWARDS FOR 2017 you can find here:
EUROPEAN COUNCIL ON TOURISM AND TRADE EUROPEAN NEWS EUROPEAN TOURISM NEWS ![]() European Tourism Academy has hosted the official EUROPE DAY 2017 celebration, a mammoth gathering attended by over 1000 people from including prominent guests such as government representatives, diplomatic corps in Bucharest, business leaders, academia, and the media. The ceremony was officially opened with the traditional cake-cutting by President Professor Dr. Anton Caragea together with Academician Mircea Constantinescu, and High Commissioner for Tourism, Mr. Mark Doda as well as all ECTT accredited ambassadors in Bucharest. Honourable Ministers, Honourable Members of Parliament, Excellencies, Members of the Diplomatic Corps, Colleagues, fellow Europeans and friends of Europe, Ladies and gentlemen, Namaste, Salam Alaykum, Good evening, Bonsoir, and a very warm welcome to you all to the 2017 Europe Day celebrations. First, I would like to express my gratitude to Academicians Mircea Constantinescu and Ionut Costea, Directors of EUROPEAN TOURISM ACADEMY, for kindly agreeing to make available this splendid hall for today’s gathering. We thought that this year it would be great to bring Europe closer to academicians and professionals and leaders of all walks of life, and to hold our celebrations in this excellent establishment. Thank you very much to everyone who has worked so hard to make this happen.Today, 9 May, is Europe Day. On this day in 1950 Robert Schuman, the French Foreign Minister, called on the nations of Europe to unite and make war on our continent unthinkable. His message of peace and unity is as relevant as ever. The dreams of our founding fathers have become a reality, and Europeans live together in peace and prosperity, bound together by principles of democracy and human tights. Yet, as anyone who follows international news knows, the European Union faces considerable challenges, and I do not want to gloss over these. But despite all our difficulties the Europe represents the most successful process of regional integration, and remains the richest continent in the world. In no other place is there so much freedom – freedom to speak our mind, freedom to move, freedom to pray and not to pray, freedom to love, freedom to vote and freedom to choose our own destiny.Everywhere in the world Europe is a major trading partner, a major investor and we are proudly launching here BEST OF EUROPE/BEST OF WORLD program. Climate change is another example of Europe prowess and a dear subject to myself as Ambassador for World Protected Areas. On 22 April 2016, 175 countries signed the Paris Agreement in New York. Fifteen countries deposited their instruments of ratification on the same day sending a signal to the international community on the paramount importance of the implementation of the Agreement. Our Ambassador office is committed to continue to work closely with all the nations on climate change, not only alongside it in international negotiations, but also as a key partner – providing support for mitigation and adjusting, and on the implementation of the Paris Agreement – the next big challenge. Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen,I want to welcome you this evening not only to the Europe Day Reception, but also to our exhibition showcasing our engagement in tourism, trade and development across the world. With WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATIONand WORLD CAPITAL OF CULTURE AND TOURISM programs we succeeded in the last ten years to bring over 6 billion euro investments in tourism, development and growth sector in Africa and Asia and we created more than 100.000 jobs in tertiary sectors of all the countries that have being supported by EUROPEAN COUNCIL ON TOURISM AND TRADE and EUROPEAN TOURISM ACADEMY programs. I would like to thank all our development implementing partners for their contributions to the exhibition and for their efforts. I hope that everyone will take time to discover the breadth and depth of the EUROPEAN COUNCIL ON TOURISM AND TRADE co-operation with developing world. I would like to express my gratitude in particular to key partners of ours in this day, as DALI HAUTE PARFUMERIE who offered you not only wonderful gifts but provided you with a symbol of what Europe stand`s for culture like Salvador Dali works and the joy of living embodied by wonderful perfumes and also a word of gratitude to our European Diplomatic Wine`s partners like HOUSE OF PANCIU who unveiled for you the best European sparkling wines and HOUSE OF WINES COTNARI who had offered you the gift of incredible European wines. A word of gratitude to the 23 masters of pastry and cakes, who created the incredible cakes that we will taste tonight. I will no longer stay between you and the incredible cakes awaiting us! Excellencies,
Ladies and Gentlemen, Happy Europe Day! Bbahut Dhanyawad, Shukran, Merci beaucoup, Thank you, Danke.”
![]() President Dr. Anton Caragea –European Council on Tourism and Trade, Academician Mircea Constantinescu, Director of European Tourism Academy presents Cambodia`s Prime Minister Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Dr. Hun Sen with ACADEMICIAN regalia. President Dr. Anton Caragea –European Council on Tourism and Trade, Academician Mircea Constantinescu, Director of European Tourism Academy delivered a joint eulogy in the Phnom Penh Peace Palace on the occasion of the award of the prestigious title of ACADEMICIAN to Cambodia`s Prime Minister Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Dr. Hun Sen. World Tourism Institution-European Council on Tourism and Trade President, Professor Dr. Anton Caragea, took part in the ceremony awarding the ACADEMICIAN title to Prime Minister Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Dr. Hun Sen in the Peace Palace in Phnom Penh, together with European Tourism Academy Director-Academician Mircea Constantinescu and European Council on Tourism and Trade high ranking delegates: Pavel Avramoiu, Ioan Matei, ECTT Chairman -Mihai Prundianu. European Tourism Academy Director-Academician Mircea Constantinescu presents LAUDATIO for the new world academician Prime Minister Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Dr. Hun Sen. ![]() Peace Palace in Phnom Penh offered the glamorous setting for ACADEMICIAN eulogy for Cambodia`s Prime Minister Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Dr. Hun Sen. The Kingdom of Cambodia Prime Minister has been awarded the HONORARY ACADEMICIAN title for “ in clear appreciation of your influential vision in carving cultural and heritage of Cambodia as conducive instruments in building tourism and in insuring development for your people.This outstanding vision has being transformed in a general politic and enacted under your leadership as a world instrument for development during 2015- World Conference on Tourism and Culture ”. The Presidents of the two world tourism institutions – all of whom are themselves previous recipients of the Academician title – were invited to address a joint eulogy for this year’s laureate. In his part of the speech, President Anton Caragea underlined that Prime Minister of Cambodia -Samdech HUN SEN made it possible for the international community to carve out the first world level instruments in developing tourism, creating the basis of sustainable tourism on the pillars of cultural richness, religious tolerance and historical platform. In the new millennium Cultural and Historical Tourism becomes the beacon on which the life of billions of people’s is improved and enriched.Cultural tourism is today a part of nation building and an intricate part of the nation’s international image. In today`s world, a nation cannot project his external dimension, and cannotimagine his diplomatic activity in the absence of promoting his historic patrimony and boost his cultural prowess.All this policies being transformed in every day dimensions of international activity are fundamentally linked to your visions, your thoughts and your actions. You have succeeded in engraving your name on the golden list of cultural protectors, offering a special attention to historical patrimony of your country and use it, and preserve it for the benefit of the future generation. Your Excellency is part of the special HUMANITY PROTECTORS. Leaders that are grasping the importance of tourism as the most important part of diplomacy, international relations and raising national profile on world arena.These leaders must be supported and commanded and offered as a general example, concluded his remarks ECTT President Professor Dr. Anton Caragea. The award ceremony was preceded by a long discussion of the high ranking delegation with Prime Minister of Cambodia -Samdech HUN SEN.It was followed by a joint press conference of President Dr. Anton Caragea Academician Mircea Constantinescu-Academy Director and Dr. Thong Khon, Minister of Tourism of Cambodia, country elected as WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION and WORLD`S FAVORITE CULTURAL DESTINATION for 2016. President Professor Dr. Anton Caragea and Academician Mircea Constantinescu also wrote a joint articles on this occasion, articles published in several European and world newspapers. They highlight the message of hope that Cambodia has sent to the world as the country: was lifted from the brink of extinction to another horizon of hope and future development and Khmer people is building today the new temples of Phnom Penh: a steel and glass city that will echo the buildings of the past.This statement of confidence in the bright future of Khmer nation and practical measures put in place, made your country succeeding in the 2016- WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION AWARD competition and be accepted as FAVORITE CULTURAL DESTINATION for your nations incredible weight of culture, history prowess and contribution to humanity legacy.This is a new momentous achievement for CAMBODIA, a moment that is due to your exertions. The membership in the European Tourism Academy is awarded every year to honour exceptional work performed in the service of world culture, tourism development and protection of historical patrimony. World Tourism Institute head, President Professor Dr. Anton Caragea conferess with H.E. Cambodia`s Prime Minister Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo -Academician Dr. Hun Sen. ![]() A congratulatory acolade between European Tourism Academy leader, MIRCEA CONSTATINESCU and Academician Dr. HUN SEN leader of the Cambodian people and World Leader for Tourism and Development. Laudatio for H.E. Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen,Prime Minister of Royal Government of Cambodia EUROPEAN ACADEMICIAN Your Excellency Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo- Hun Sen,Prime Minister of Royal Government of Cambodia, Members of the Cambodian Parliament and members of the Cambodian Government, Honorable audience, Ladies and gentlemen, dear friends, We traveled for almost 24 hours, flying more than 10.000 km in order to bring to you, the people of the Cambodia, our message of friendship, peace, tolerance and mutual understanding, a message from the very heart of the Europe. We are here to award to His Excellency Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo- Hun Sen, the title of HONORARY MEMBER of European Tourism Academy, member of theUnited Nations Academic Initiative. For me this laudatio is a very special and heartfelt occasion. We are talking here about the life and the activity of a great national and international personality that mark indelibly the past and present of Cambodia and will continue to give an impetus to the future of Cambodia and the global world destiny. The life and the activity of your extraordinary Prime Minister spans for almost the last five decades and is closely connected to the history of the Cambodian nation and to the fight, existence and hopes of the Cambodian people. During this period of time Prime Minister Hun Sen was one by one: strong fighter, versatile diplomat, powerful and visionary leader, playing on the internal and international arena an ever-growing role. So it was clear from the beginning that an award for such an outstanding personality should encompass his entire activity. On the other side, some remarkable points in His Excellency biography should be revealed:
This made him to be a MAN OF ACTION
These traits made him to be a MAN OF DIALOGUE.
This succesful coronation of the prescribed curriculum made him a MAN OF REFLECTION. Finally, he also had the intuition and the knowledge that the economic development, the fight against poverty might be closely linked to the tourism and to the preservation of the cultural heritage. We must note here a long and painstaking activity of coordinating culture, tourism and development for more than 40 years, activity reflected not only in more than 200 of speeches, works and allocutions but also in achievements that are speaking for themselves: from the ashes of civil war Cambodia is proclaimed today by the international community as a WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION. From a country ravaged by the conflicts and hunger, the glory of Cambodia`s past was resurrected, ancient temples like Preah Vihear restored to the nation and the country crowned today as a FAVORITE CULTURAL DESTINATION in the world. What a road, what a journey, made possible by the efforts of His Excellency Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo- Hun Sen. We may tell you many remarkable things about the complex personality and the successful activity of your beloved and remarkable Prime Minister, but we wanted to keep this Laudatio focus on the main points that shaped the life and the career of Academician Dr. HUN SEN. To give the complete story of such a brilliant life will take us weeks and months. I will just ask our newest academician to uphold, as he did his entire life, the fundamental principles of United Nations Academic Initiative and of European Tourism Academy: to support education, to foster education, to encourage global action and citizenship via education development, to uphold the system of higher education, to advance peace, sustainability and development on world arena. These are Your Excellency noble obligations as a member of European Academy. May they always guide your actions! These procedures being concluded, according to the centuries old academic protocol, I have the distinct pleasure to award the Title of MEMBER OF HONOR and the Medal of Honor of EUROPEAN TOURISM ACADEMY to His Excellency Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo- Hun Sen, Prime Minister of Royal Government of Cambodia. ![]() The Board of European Tourism Academy announces that H.E. HUN SEN- SAMDECH AKKA MOHA SENA PADEI TECHO, Prime Minister of Cambodia is a new WORLD LEADER OF TOURISM AND DEVELOPMENT part of EUROPEAN ACADEMY The EUROPEAN TOURISM ACADEMY announced today the election of H.E.SAMDECH AKKA MOHA SENA PADEI TECHO HUN SEN-Prime Minister of Kingdom of Cambodia in the highest academic fora in recognition of his distinguished and continuing achievements in original research, policies and activities. This international recognition come for his role in promoting fair tourism, cultural legacy heritage, hosting 2015 World Tourism and Culture conference and for decision to uphold the principles of European Tourism Academy: to support education, to foster education, to encourage global action and citizenship via education development, to uphold the system of higher education, to advance peace, sustainability and development on world arena. The full text of the EUROPEAN TOURISM ACADEMY leaders can be read here: Your Excellency, It is with pleasure and clear sense of proud that we inform you that: in full unanimity, the Academic Board of the European Council on Tourism and Trade (ECTT) has elected you as a Honorary Member of EUROPEAN TOURISM ACADEMY, in your capacity as a WORLD LEADER IN TOURISM DEVELOPMENT in clear appreciation of your influential vision in carving cultural and heritage of Cambodia as conducive instruments in building tourism and in insuring development for your people. This outstanding vision has being transformed in a general politic and enacted under your leadership as a world instrument for development during 2015- World Conference on Tourism and Culture. In 2015, Your acumen and diplomatic astuteness made it possible for the international community, in the World Conference on Tourism and Culture forum of UNESCO and UNWTO to carve out the first world level instruments in developing tourism, creating the bases of sustainable tourism on the pillars of cultural richness, religious tolerance and historical platform. In the new millennium Cultural and Historical Tourism becomes the beacon on which the life of billions of peoples is improved and enriched. Cultural tourism is today a part of nation building and an intricate part of the nation’s international image. In today`s world, a nation cannot project his external dimension, and cannot imagine his diplomatic activity in the absence of promoting his historic patrimony and boost his cultural prowess. 2015 WORLD TOURISM AND CULTURE CONFERENCE OF UNESCO and UNWTO had brought Cambodia to the fore of world heritage cultural preservation. US President Barack Obama. with H.E. HUN SEN- SAMDECH AKKA MOHA SENA PADEI TECHO, Prime Minister of Cambodia All this policies being transformed in every day dimensions of international activity are fundamentally linked to your visions, your thoughts and your actions. Tourism, Travel, Trade and Investments are interconnected and are uniting today`s countries, in a globalized world and unified market. Today, the presence of historical patrimony and cultural dimension in the world are entitling all the persons in the world to have access to double citizenship`s: one generated by the simple birth and the second one growing form the love other nation`s cultures and history, this one by free choice. The world recognizes that Trade, Travel and Tourism are part of the international life and each and every one of our citizens became a world ambassador and a central actor on world stage. Nations that wish to attain their full potential and reach the picks of development, international recognition, economic growth and a prosperous life for his citizens can’t remove themselves from the international tourism and trade arena. Trade and Tourism are the key pillars for countries and billions of people, worldwide, in their efforts to achieve fully their live potential. European Council on Tourism and Trade had become, and strides to remain, the driving force in the international promotion of culture, and patrimony and encapsulate tourism as the main vector in development and international cooperation. Our world encompassing achievements and activities would not have being possible without the decisive contribution, in our tireless efforts, by the world leaders, ready to become a part of our world tourism institution and able to firmly raise their voices in the spirit of culture, international cooperation and advancing the position of tourism on global world agenda. Under Your Excellency leadership, the Government of Kingdom of Cambodia has for a long time recognized and abated the importance of culture and tourism as key facilitators for the country development and international promotion. Your leadership has succeeded in creating an exemplary and powerful poverty reduction strategy- Royal Government’s Rectangular Strategy which focuses on promoting Economic Growth, Employment, Equity and Efficiency. The Cambodia-Diamond of the Mekong development activities, investment protection and facilitation, economic growth and wealth spreading to the nation is the creation of your life long experience and devotion to your people. Open sky policies related to easy visa access, unifying ASEAN travel space and tourism integration had benefited the peoples and nations of the regions and have proven once more that: tourism is a tool for dialogue and understanding in the world, for promoting peace and engagement worldwide. As a true leader of the people, devoted father of the nation, you have carved, exemplary structures as the “One village- One product” for Siem Reap region and your government has being heavily investing in infrastructure and capacity building, protecting the cultural, natural and historical patrimony of the country. You have succeeded in engraving your name on the golden list of cultural protectors, offering a special attention to historical patrimony of your country and use it, and preserve it for the benefit of the future generation. Your Excellency is part of the special HUMANITY PROTECTORS. Leaders that are grasping the importance of tourism as the most important part of diplomacy, international relations and raising national profile on world arena. These leaders must be supported and commanded and offered as a general example. Your Excellency stated: “Let me reassure that the Kingdom of Cambodia a country with independence, neutrality, peace, freedom, democracy and human rights as you all have seen, shall be existing with no end.” Your Excellency has being true to his word and commitment and by protecting and promoting the incredible legacy left to us by the Khmer Kings of Angkor had helped the incredible resurgence of the Khmer people in XXI century. Cambodia was lifted from the brink of extinction to another horizon of hope and future development and Khmer people is building today the new temples of Phnom Penh: a steel and glass city that will echo the buildings of the past. This statement of confidence in the bright future of Khmer nation and practical measures put in place, made your country succeeding in the 2016- WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION AWARD competition and be accepted as FAVORITE CULTURAL DESTINATION for your nations incredible weight of culture, history prowess and contribution to humanity legacy. This is a new momentous achievement for CAMBODIA, a moment that is due to your exertions. Your Excellency, In your new capacity, as the representative of CAMBODIA on world tourism and on international cultural stage, we hope that the World will benefit now from your public exertions and support, in creating a new world community, based on peace, development and tourism as the pillars of international cooperation. Prof. Dr. Anton Caragea, MA, FINS, ETA PRESIDENT OF EUROPEAN COUNCIL ON TOURISM AND TRADE Academician Mircea Constantinescu PhD, Phil Dr.ETA DIRECTOR EUROPEAN TOURISM ACADEMY More PR and photos can be found here: EUROPEAN COUNCIL ON TOURISM AND TRADE ON FLICKR EUROPEAN COUNCIL ON TOURISM AND TRADE ON PINTEREST
The call for applications, for the 9th European Council on Tourism and Trade Awards for WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION FOR 2016 and FAVORITE CULTURAL DESTINATION is now closed, announced Academician Mircea Constantinescu head of European Tourism Academy.
The ECTT Award for WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION IN 2016 is celebrating, this year, the round number of 20 million tourists, that visited countries placed on the list of WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION in the last five years. The Awards for WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION and WORLD CAPITAL OF CULTURE AND TOURISM, established in 2000, are the flagship recognitions for national and the global tourism. They recognize cultural achievements, tourism potential, social role of tourism, knowledge incorporated in tourism development, in accordance with European Council on Tourism and Trade committment for the advancement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) agenda. The name of winner nation of the European Council on Tourism and Trade – Awards for WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION FOR 2016 and FAVORITE CULTURAL DESTINATION will be unveiled on Friday, 10 June 2016, in a gala dinner in Bucharest, Romania. Last year, the ceremony hosted 220 high-level participants from more than 27 european countries, including ministers, ambassadors and tourism industry CEOs. The European Council on Tourism and Trade Awards for FAVORITE CULTURAL DESTINATION, to be held on 10th June 2016, will highlight the importance of culture, historical patrimony and artistic creation in tourism and showcase the knowledge and achievements of all ECTT Awards finalists. European Tourism Academy leader hand it to European Council on Tourism and Trade President his office recommendation regarding the name of the winner of WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION FOR 2016 contest. ![]() Professor Dr. Anton Caragea, President of European Council on Tourism and Trade has marked for the academician presents the importance of the continous development registered by Ethiopia in the last year after being declared as a world example in tourism by WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION AWARD designation. In the message addresed to Prime Minister of Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia-H.E. Hailemariam Desalegn, President Dr. Anton Caragea stated european leaders appreciation for prime minister efforts directed towards transforming Ethiopia in a world recognized symbol of freedom and a center of spreading hospitality and friendship via tourism development. President Anton Caragea marked European decison to congratulate Academician Hailemariam Desalegn on the reappointment as the Prime Minister of Ethiopia, a move that was normal and expected as Your Excellency succeeded admirably in implementing the First Growth and Transformation Plan, developing Ethiopian economy beyond all expectations and crowned achievements by bringing to ETHIOPIA the WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION status. All this achievements are a far cry from the former image of famine and underdevelopment that where associated with Ethiopia and this is making them even more notable. 2015 had also meant challenges, like the unexpected drought, but your government tackled this issue with diplomacy and a care that must be appreciated. After the reading of the official message to Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn, Academician Mircea Constantinescu outlined the new measures and outcomes established by THE ETHIOPIAN TOURISM STRATEGY carved by Minister of Culture and Tourism: Ms. Aisha Mohammed Mussa. The objectives stated are achievable and based on the determination to significantly increase the number of tourists during the 2nd Growth and Transformation Plan (2015–2020). The Ministry of Culture and Tourism plans to triple foreign visitors to more than 2.5 million by 2020. This would make Ethiopia one of the top five tourist destinations in Africa. Last financial year, 770,000 tourists visited Ethiopia and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism hopes to increase this to one million, and the revenue earned to well over US$3billion by the end of this Ethiopian budget year, by July 2016. To attain this the Ministry has identified five main focus areas for the GTP 2 agenda. These are: natural and cultural heritage conservation and development; culture and tourism products marketing; service excellence; improve culture and tourism research and information systems; and enhance cooperation and collaboration with development partners. Based on these focus areas, the Ministry now has clearly defined goals for the next five years. Ethiopia‘s Minister of Culture and Tourism, Aisha Mohammed Mussa, recently explained some of the details behind the extra impetus the Government is adding to the development and promotion of the tourism sector in order to achieve and indeed surpass the ambitious growth targets it has set for 2020, the end of the Growth and Transformation Plan. Indeed, she hopes that these aims can be exceeded if tourist sites can be developed quickly enough and promoted accordingly. She admits to being very ambitious in her vision. The Government‘s interest in the sector has been underlined by the drawing up of a Sustainable Tourism Master Plan; by the revitalization of the Ethiopian Tourism Organization, to concentrate mainly on destination marketing and promotion, as well as destination development in terms of service, quality and access; and by setting up of the Ethiopian Tourism Transformation Council, chaired by the Prime Minister. Ms. Aisha pointed out the Ministry was now working on different websites to promote Ethiopia as a favorite tourist destination-the title granted by European Council on Tourism and Trade. It was also working on changing the tourism brand and trying to build a completely new communications‘ campaign. This is going to be launched before March. Concluding the presentation of the New Tourism Strategy of Ethiopia, Academician Mircea Constantinescu addressed to President, Professor Dr. Anton Caragea the imbold to continue to offer his support to Ethiopian tourism development. ![]() New Minister of Culture and Tourism of Ethiopia Ms. Aisha Mohammed Mussa On the occasion of European Tourism Academy celebrations, European Council on Tourism and Trade President, Professor Dr. Anton Caragea had addressed the official congratulation message to the European academicians. The message was delivered on the milestone moment of the European Tourism Academy becoming a member of United Nations Academic Initiative. The message of greetings reads, in part: “Over the past decade, the members of the European Tourism Academy have made a significant contribution to strengthening the intellectual and economic potential of the world. Many prominent European scholars worked here. Their efforts contributed in large measure to the creation of the theoretical and practical foundations that enabled the development of world culture, tourism and diplomacy and contributed to our ability to resolve cultural problems. Today, in the context of modernising the world economy and managing its transition to an innovative path of development, it is important to significantly enhance the effectiveness of the Academy. We need to ensure the widespread use of theoretical developments and technologies in tourism, diplomacy and culture. Of course we also need to expand relations between the Academy and academic centers in Europe and abroad. I am confident that your knowledge and experience will continue to be useful in the European cultural, tourism and diplomatic stage and will help ensure tourism and environmental safety of Europe and the world.” The European Tourism Academy works on realising and extending the scientific potential of European cultural, trade and tourism industrial complex. Dr. Anton Caragea, European Council on Tourism and Trade President reads the congratulatory message together with H.E. Ion Iliescu- former President of Romania and H.E. Emil Constantinescu-Romanian President .
![]() European Tourism Academy has become, from November 2015, a member of UN Academic Impact initiative, a global network of universities that support UN values and goals. European Tourism Academy received this honor in recognition of the decade long exertions on promoting the eleven principles of development: the basic principles carved out by the United Nations Charter, human rights like freedom of inquiry, opinion, and speech, offering educational opportunity for all people regardless of gender, race, religion or ethnicity; the freedom to pursuit the higher education; commitment to building capacity in the higher education systems across the world; encouraging global citizenship through education, advancing peace and conflict resolution through education, addressing issues of poverty through education, promoting sustainability through education, promoting inter-cultural dialogue and understanding, and the “unlearning” of intolerance, through education. The ‘EUROPEAN TOURISM ACADEMY” is the world center of higher education and research that wants to be at the forefront of cultural transformations and with the ambition to give answers to the challenges and visions of our time. The Academy explores such diverse topics as cultural and tourism planning in the digital era , new processes of diplomacy , urban cultural strategies , complex systems and data management , the future of the city in terms of sustainability energy and capital, new strategies for the world economy . The ‘EUROPEAN TOURISM ACADEMY” is acting under the control of President Office of European Council on Tourism and Trade. United Nations Academic Impact is a United Nations initiative to align institutions of higher education, scholarship and research with the United Nations and in the compliance with Sustainable Development Goals . In the words of United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon: “The Academic Impact aims to generate a global movement of minds to promote a new culture of intellectual social responsibility. It is animated by a commitment to certain bedrock principles. Among them: freedom of inquiry, opinion and speech; educational opportunity for all; global citizenship; sustainability; and dialogue.” ![]() This year’s European Council on Tourism and Trade Academy celebrates World Tourism Day 2015 by highlighting the powerful role of tourism in creating causeways of international understanding and mutual respect. European Tourism Academy considers that there is no better way to learn about a new culture than to experience the magic of tourism. Traveling outside your comfort areas offers wonderful occasions to discover new cultures and communities. This interaction is destined to promote dialogue and interaction. This personal meetings mediated by traveling experiences between people of different backgrounds is the very foundation for tolerance and dialogue. In a world building yet a peaceful coexistence, tourism can build bridges and contribute decisively to peace. Tourism’s contributions to economic development are a part of building a new common market and a new global solidarity. Today in the times of economic crisis, tourism is proving his steadfast ability to generate socio-economic occasions and help reduce the gap between rich and poor nations, and this result is becoming more significant than ever. European Tourism Academy is tacking this global opportunity to encourage all the stakeholders involved in tourism to embrace the key principles of the European Council on Tourism and Trade. These guidelines for sustainable, ethic and global tourism development, approved by the European Council on Tourism and Trade President, are based on the scientific and cultural analyses made in our academy and are based on the connections between tourism and peace, human rights and inter-cultural/ inter-religious dialogue. World Tourism Day 2015 is an opportunity for tourism community under the leadership of European Council on Tourism and Trade to reflect on the importance of tourism to global development and environment protection. We encourage you to travel, to discover the charm of engagement with other cultures, religions and civilization and celebrate human accomplishment`s during history. President of European Council on Tourism and Trade-Professor Dr. Anton Caragea, MA, FINS, EDA European Tourism Academy Director-Professor Dr. Mircea Constantinescu |
EUROPEAN TOURISM ACADEMYThe European Tourism Academy is charged with proposing an European tourism strategy up to 2035. Archives
August 2021