![]() A congratulatory acolade between European Tourism Academy leader, MIRCEA CONSTATINESCU and Academician Dr. HUN SEN leader of the Cambodian people and World Leader for Tourism and Development. Laudatio for H.E. Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen,Prime Minister of Royal Government of Cambodia EUROPEAN ACADEMICIAN Your Excellency Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo- Hun Sen,Prime Minister of Royal Government of Cambodia, Members of the Cambodian Parliament and members of the Cambodian Government, Honorable audience, Ladies and gentlemen, dear friends, We traveled for almost 24 hours, flying more than 10.000 km in order to bring to you, the people of the Cambodia, our message of friendship, peace, tolerance and mutual understanding, a message from the very heart of the Europe. We are here to award to His Excellency Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo- Hun Sen, the title of HONORARY MEMBER of European Tourism Academy, member of theUnited Nations Academic Initiative. For me this laudatio is a very special and heartfelt occasion. We are talking here about the life and the activity of a great national and international personality that mark indelibly the past and present of Cambodia and will continue to give an impetus to the future of Cambodia and the global world destiny. The life and the activity of your extraordinary Prime Minister spans for almost the last five decades and is closely connected to the history of the Cambodian nation and to the fight, existence and hopes of the Cambodian people. During this period of time Prime Minister Hun Sen was one by one: strong fighter, versatile diplomat, powerful and visionary leader, playing on the internal and international arena an ever-growing role. So it was clear from the beginning that an award for such an outstanding personality should encompass his entire activity. On the other side, some remarkable points in His Excellency biography should be revealed:
This made him to be a MAN OF ACTION
These traits made him to be a MAN OF DIALOGUE.
This succesful coronation of the prescribed curriculum made him a MAN OF REFLECTION. Finally, he also had the intuition and the knowledge that the economic development, the fight against poverty might be closely linked to the tourism and to the preservation of the cultural heritage. We must note here a long and painstaking activity of coordinating culture, tourism and development for more than 40 years, activity reflected not only in more than 200 of speeches, works and allocutions but also in achievements that are speaking for themselves: from the ashes of civil war Cambodia is proclaimed today by the international community as a WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION. From a country ravaged by the conflicts and hunger, the glory of Cambodia`s past was resurrected, ancient temples like Preah Vihear restored to the nation and the country crowned today as a FAVORITE CULTURAL DESTINATION in the world. What a road, what a journey, made possible by the efforts of His Excellency Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo- Hun Sen. We may tell you many remarkable things about the complex personality and the successful activity of your beloved and remarkable Prime Minister, but we wanted to keep this Laudatio focus on the main points that shaped the life and the career of Academician Dr. HUN SEN. To give the complete story of such a brilliant life will take us weeks and months. I will just ask our newest academician to uphold, as he did his entire life, the fundamental principles of United Nations Academic Initiative and of European Tourism Academy: to support education, to foster education, to encourage global action and citizenship via education development, to uphold the system of higher education, to advance peace, sustainability and development on world arena. These are Your Excellency noble obligations as a member of European Academy. May they always guide your actions! These procedures being concluded, according to the centuries old academic protocol, I have the distinct pleasure to award the Title of MEMBER OF HONOR and the Medal of Honor of EUROPEAN TOURISM ACADEMY to His Excellency Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo- Hun Sen, Prime Minister of Royal Government of Cambodia. |
EUROPEAN TOURISM ACADEMYThe European Tourism Academy is charged with proposing an European tourism strategy up to 2035. Archives
August 2021